Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Critical Enquiry Reflection Sheet Social Work Essay
Basic Enquiry Reflection Sheet Social Work Essay The snapshot of discovering that has caught my eye in this management meeting is that I have to investigate and distinguish my training system when working bi-socially with tangata whenua and diversely. During my 6th management meeting my manager surveyed me utilizing the second immediate practice perception identifying with my second learning outcometo exhibit competency when working with youngsters diversely. This evaluation prompted conversations around my training diversely as I have been intently working with youngsters and their families who are of an alternate culture from my own. Additionally in my training at the alterative instruction community where I am put two days per week I am the main pakeha individual there. My manager expressed in the appraisal that Working in the school setting as the main female and pakeha individual, has empowered her to distinguish the distinctions in culture yet in addition helped her to work diversely with other staff and customers. Family appearance has additionally helped her to distinguish zones that need all the more preparing in. At the point when my manager requested that I distinguish how I work bi-socially with tangata whenua and diversely with customers I couldn't well-spoken effectively how I practice in this setting. My reaction was that in the elective instruction setting since I am the main pakeha individual there, I work biculturally and diversely: By regarding the Maori culture of the inside Taking off my shoes when I enter I have needed to get familiar with the words so as to take an interest toward the beginning of the day waiata and karakia I have my lunch with the youngsters and different mentors every day as sharing food together is a piece of the Maori culture Following on from this I have expressed that during home encounters with customers and their families I regard the various societies; by taking off my shoes and tolerating food and drinks from societies where the sharing of food is significant. These reactions were ambiguous and didn't offer an unmistakable response concerning how I practice bi-socially and diversely. I am mindful that I have been prepared at college to rehearse from a bi-social and multi-social viewpoint yet I have thought that it was difficult to explain how I do this. As my administrator has noted I have recognized through this oversight meeting that I have to fundamentally consider my training diversely and distinguish the regions that I need additionally preparing so as to turn into a skilled bi-social and culturally diverse specialist. To assist culturally diverse practice and working with tangata whenua I as a social specialist need to perceive that: As an expert partner, one can feel uncomfortable when tested by striking contrast is simply the initial step reflection. This demeanor has a superior possibility of prompting certified convenience of the customer than claiming to be politically right. The making of collegial help structures and the development of an atmosphere of trust and open sharing inside the administration setting may energize this demeanor, to be full of feeling in diverse practice (Tsang George, 1998, p.87). Looking in reverse The presumptions and predispositions that are available at this time of learning is my own social mindfulness; In Tatum (2000) she disks the idea of personality and what it implies for the individual and how the jobs of the predominant over the subordinate can impact a people perspective on themselves: This mirror self is definitely not a level one-dimensional reflection, however multidimensional. How ones personality is experienced will be intervened by measurements of one self: male or female; youthful or old, affluent or poor, gay, lesbian, swinger, transgender or hetero; physically fit or with handicaps: Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or atheist㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ (Tatum, 2000). The job and the cheapening related with it will contrast comparable to the socio-social setting that the subordinate individual/s and the predominant gatherings are a piece of (Wolfensberger, 1972, as refered to in (Wills, 2008b). Talks are fundamental methods of talking, examining something of centrality. They are the result of a mix of social, political even financial variables and frequently have voices of power. Talks are regularly educated by convictions, thoughts and understandings that are verifiable; taken for granted㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦even ideologicalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Some types of talk are legitimated and approved yet one can't be certain, and expect that such talks have gotten set up because of very much excused, painstakingly investigated, created and thorough contention/banter (Wills, 2008a). Searching internally Searching externally Looking forward I recognize to the families that in spite of the fact that I am from an alternate culture to them I have been college prepared to work diversely and I am glad to go into conversations around what this implies for our social work connection Question development 300 Literature300 In characterizing fitness one should likewise think about the significance of culture. Basically, culture is comprehended to identify with some mutual components which interface individuals in a typical method of encountering and seeing the world. These impression of the world guide everyday living, impact how choices are made and by whom, and figure out what is seen to be fitting and wrong conduct inside some random setting (Connolly, Crichton-Hill Ward, 2005 p.17, as refered to in SWRB, 2007, p.5) To work with Maori customers the social laborer should capability comprehend what Te Ao Maori implies, the equivalent goes with working with other social and ethnic gatherings. Utilizing Tsang and Georges applied system of demeanor information and aptitudes the SWRB made its fitness principles of training. To comprehend what equipped practice for Maori and other social and ethnic gatherings implies for social laborers in New Zealand I will be basically talking about in this exposition; what the ANZASWs norms of training are that advise capability and what it implies for social work practice in New Zealand, I will recognize and depict the constituent components of Te Ao Maori the Maori world view, fundamentally analyze Tsang and Georges applied system and apply their structure to a part of Te Ao Maori in a work on setting. Individuals from the ANZASW are responsible to the affiliation and expected to keep their arrangements and systems, able social work on being one of them, the accompanying ten gauges for social work practice in Aotearoa New Zealand were set and approved by the National Executive of NZASW (presently ANZASW) in June 1990: The social specialist builds up a fitting and deliberate working relationship with customers considering singular contrasts and the social and social setting of the customers circumstance. The social laborer acts to make sure about the customers support in the entire procedure of the working relationship with them. The social specialists practice helps customers to deal with her/his own conditions. The social specialist knows about social work strategies, social approach, social administrations, assets and openings. In working with customers, the social laborer knows about and utilizes her/his very own properties fittingly. The social laborer just works where frameworks of responsibility are set up in regard of his/her office, customers and the social work calling. The social specialist continually attempts to make the association and frameworks, which are a piece of the social work exertion, receptive to the necessities of the individuals who use them. The social specialist acts to guarantee the customers access to the Code of Ethics and objects of the New Zealand Association of Social Workers. The social specialist utilizes participation of the New Zealand Association of Social Workers to impact and strengthen capable social practice. The social specialist utilizes enrollment of the New Zealand Association of Social Workers to impact and fortify skillful practice (NZASW, 1993). To represent how these gauges for training work in proficient social work practice I will choose one norm and show how two parts of the standard apply. For standard four: the social specialist knows about social work strategies, social approach and social administrations, this standard can be appeared practically speaking with how Child, Youth and Family benefits work inside a bicultural system and the Treaty of Waitangi: Kid, Youth and Family recognizes its obligations and commitments to the tangata whenua as a Crown accomplice to New Zealands establishing record, the Treaty of Waitangi. We are focused on guaranteeing that administrations we convey and buy are completely receptive to the necessities and desires of Maori, and that our activities are steady with the Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi. Our dedication is reflected in a key outcome region improved results for Maori, the unions and organizations we have manufactured and keep on cultivating with iwi and Maori social administrations gatherings and networks, our human asset approaches, and in our work program (particularly the turn of events and usage of a procedure for improving results for Maori youngsters, youngsters and their families) (CYF, 2008). Comparable to the social strategy part of this standard the CYFs social laborers know about the enactments of Aotearoa New Zealand and how different parts of the law: Kid, Youth and Familys legal job is characterized by the accompanying enactment: The Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 The Adoption Act 1955 The Adult Adoption Information Act 1985 The Adoption (Inter-nation) Act 1997(CYF, 2008). Kid, Youth and Family benefits are a brilliant case of how an organization has set rules and approaches around the principles set out by the SWRB and ANZASW to actualize skillful practice by their social specialists. In the following piece of this paper I will recognize and portray the constituent components of Te Ao Maori the Maori world view. To comprehend the M
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sheds Critical Light on Human Resource Management
Question: Examine about the Sheds Critical Light on Human Resource Management. Answer: Presentation Human asset the executives is one of the key components in an association. Work power is seen as a fundamental piece of an association. Along these lines, the board of the HR is seen as one of the basic regions in an association (Weinstein 2014). Associations channelize a significant and noteworthy segment of their vitality and techniques in overseeing HR. In this manner, it turns into a basic territory of concern with respect to the administration of HR. Be that as it may, the present age has seen different issues and escape clauses in human asset the board. The occurrences of contentions, strikes, lockouts, developing pattern of disappointment among workers feature the issues in the human asset the board road (Warr and Inceoglu 2012). Qatar oil is an oil organization that is claimed by the state in Qatar. The exercises attempted by the organization incorporates investigation, transportation, putting away, refining, and creation of oil and gas. The human asset the executives is meth odical and coordinated in the organization. The organization is positioned third as the biggest oil organization in the organization. Human Resource Management issues in Qatar Petroleum Company The executives of work and abilities of work supposedly is a significant job of the human asset the executives of an organization. In Qatar Petroleum Company, human asset the executives is seen as a significant zone in the administration of the organization. The organization has incorporated and orderly strategy for the executives of human asset. As indicated by reports and current discoveries, it has been seen that there are sure issues that are seen in the human asset the board issues. Inspiring and holding workers supposedly is a significant issue in the human asset the board issues in the organization (Afioun, Rul and Schuler 2014). It is seen that the organization faces significant inadequacies and issues in expanding the inspiration among representatives and holding the workers. This is the human asset the board gives that have ascended in the organization over the most recent couple of years. Inspiration and maintenance are two of a kind. The two components go connected at the hip. Maintenance is beyond the realm of imagination without inspiration. It is seen that representatives leave association since they do not have the inspiration and the degree of resolve that is required for the workers to proceed in the association. It is a significant reason for worry for the human asset supervisory crew. The human asset group of the organization has seen significant inadequacies and provisos in expanding the inspiration level among workers. One of the realities that are obvious for this situation is that inspiration is impacted by both outside just as inner elements. The workplace, relational relationship and the idea of the activity profile apparently is contributing components of inward employment inspiration factors (Anthony and Hong 2014). The human asset supervisory crew has not had the option to inspire the representatives and increment their confidence. The maintenance proportion has diminished and the organization has seen a significant increment in the work turnover proportion and truancy among representatives. The human asset supervisors of the organization put stock in the idea that the workers would have the sentiment of inspiration inside themselves. In any case, it isn't accurate and it very well may be seen that inspiration is tied in with initiating individuals to release their obligations and obligations as well as could be expected. Impact of the issue on Qatar Petroleum Company The expanding pace of work turnover has brought about the lack and shortage of work. The expanding pace of truancy and work turnover has brought about the sharp decrease of the profitability and execution of the organization. There have been developing occurrences and scenes of contentions and obstruction from the finish of the laborers (Al Maita et al. 2015). It is a significant reason for worry for the representatives since it is seen that such clashes would hamper the picture and the profitability of the workers. The expanding work turnover issue is a shrewd that stunts the development of the organization and goes about as a significant deterrent to the efficiency issue of the organization. Accordingly, it is a developing worry in Qatar Petroleum Company with respect to these human asset the board issues in the organization. Different negative surmisings of work turnover can be seen. It has influenced the money related execution of the organization and it has raised the use level of the organization. It very well may be seen that the expense of preparing and improvement of the new representatives and the organization needs to bargain with its money related working that is seen in the organization. The absence of proficiency of the new workers has brought about the organization missing out on possibilities and chances to expand the profitability of the organization. The budgetary exhibition of the organization has gotten a significant difficulty regarding low gainfulness of the organization. Therefore, work turnover and absence of inspiration among representatives and the failure of the organization to hold representatives have extreme antagonistic impact on the monetary presentation of the organization. The amount and the pace of creation as indicated by a given measure of time is characterized and depicted as efficiency. Qatar Petroleum Company has bragged talented and proficient workers and it has been seen that the failure of the organization to hold representatives and inspire representatives has brought about high work turnover proportion over the most recent couple of long stretches of the organization. In this manner, the profitability and execution of the organization has experienced significant deficiencies (Bakker, Demerouti and Sanz-Vergel 2014). The acceptance of new and new representatives has brought about significant drop in the degree of execution of the organization. This has an immediate relationship with the capabilities and abilities of the laborers. It has been seen that the organization has a pool of new and new workers that has significant weaknesses in the aptitudes and skills. Representatives with shorter term of work experience have issues in accomplishing creation objectives. The proficiency can likewise be connected with the disasters of low worker maintenance in Qatar Petroleum Company. The absence of experience and capabilities of the workers have gone to be a significant issue for the organization. Accordingly, the organization has lower level of effectiveness in the presentation and efficiency (Carpentier and Mageau 2014). Another issue that high work turnover and low maintenance of representatives that exists is that it has given a negative picture of the organization to general society and accordingly, it impacts the consumer loyalty angle too. The absence of experienced workers and the expansion in new ability in the association has offered path to the failure of the organization to fulfill the guidelines of the business. High work turnover makes experienced representatives move from the organization to various organizations in scan for better extent of development and extension of profession. It tends to be seen that the organization experiences weaknesses in such perspectives and therefore, the expansion in freshness workers has made the organization experience the ill effects of failure to support the norms of value that has been set by the business measures (Cherian and Jacob 2013). Hence, one can say that it has significantly affected the generosity of the organization. Another impact of work turnover issues is that it makes the organization moderately and similarly awkward to support the opposition in the business. One thing that can be seen is that the low maintenance and low inspiration remainder among experienced representatives lead to low maintenance of such workers. In the light of these occasions it tends to be seen that the profitability and the capacity of the organization to continue the opposition relies upon the experience and competency of the workers (Jerome 2013). New and new workers may set aside a lot of effort to improve and saddle the ability and to expand their degree of competency and aptitudes. The incubation time frame may make the organization instable and uncouth to support the degree of rivalry and it stunts the extent of development and extension of the organization (Ealias and George 2012). What's more, it has imperiled the presence and the productivity of the organization. Figure: Qatar Crude oil trades 1986-2013 (Source: Afiouni, Rul and Schuler 2014) Reason for the issue There is a circumstances and logical results connection between everything. One thing that should be remembered is that one needs to finds the underlying foundations of this underhandedness. At the end of the day, one needs to translate the reason behind the low, inspiration and low degree of consistency in Qatar Petroleum Company. There are different focuses that add to this issue. A huge actuality that must be evaluated is that there are huge changes in the oil and gas organizations. These progressions have prepared for the rising human asset the executives issues in the organization. On cautiously assessing the adjustments in the business, one can see that there are different outer factor that are instrumental in making such issues. Initially, the expansion in the opposition can be seen as a significant issue in the ascent of human asset the board issues (Dedousis and Rutter 2015). At first, there were very few organizations that had a place with the oil and gas industry. Along th ese lines, it tends to be said that there was a shortage in the opposition in this industry. Be that as it may, there was an activity from the legislature to build the creation level in the nation. This would require the setting up of a lot more organizations in this industry that could add to the expanded creation, which then again could build the productivity of the administration and could add to the positive monetary development. The outcome of this activity could be seen from this edge this move has prompted an expansion in the quantity of nearby oil and gas organizations notwithstanding worldwide oil and gas organizations. The quantities of auxiliary and relative organizations have likewise expanded in the Qatar M
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Fariborz Maseeh Hall
Fariborz Maseeh Hall Heres the story: Long ago, in a land far far away (far from Hawaii at least), there was a magical dorm where hundreds of grad students lived. The grad students had inhabited this dorm at the corner of Massachusetts Ave and Memorial Drive since the beginning of time (i.e. 1938 when MIT bought the Riverbank Court Hotel from the City of Cambridge). There was a rich sense of community that developed out of this house and it was loved by all who graced its halls. One day in 2006, the MIT administration had plans to increase camaraderie among graduate dorms, to alleviate the crowding in undergraduate dorms, and to increase the undergraduate population to the glorious size it once was (sometime back in the 90s). Their solution was to move the graduate residents from the magical dorm (here after referred to as W1) into a New magical dorm (NW35 or the New Ashdown House) and convert W1 into an undergraduate dorm. As with other new undergraduate dorms, a group of founders is formed to help with the final construction plans, to establish a government system and to begin the dorms culture and traditions. Timeline (because bullet points rule the world): February 2008: After a grueling application process, eleven students were chosen to be the founders of W1. For the next few months, we worked with the architects and MIT administration to finalize the blueprints for our future home. circa April 2008: The W1 Founders Group put a significant effort towards deciding on a name that was more suiting and suave than W1 founders. We went through several rounds of brainstorming and voting but finally the perfect name was chosen: PHOENIX ! The Phoenix Group would rise from the the ashes of Ashdown and create a new vibrant generation and genre of the MIT student. May 2008: Part of the planning process included making decisions for how the proposed dining hall for W1 would operate. The Phoenix Group began doing research to investigate programs at other Universities that have had successful track records. The two places we looked at were Baylor University in Waco, TX and the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England. August 2008: By the spring of 2008, the New Ashdown House (NW35) was opened and the 11 founders were joined by 39 other students as the Phoenix Group moved into a wing of NW35. October 2008: The stock market crashed around this time and the $90 million needed to renovate W1 just wasnt as easy to get our hands on. So the whole process was put on hold until further notice. Thankfully, MIT had just enough money stashed away to touch up the outside of this 100+ year old building. November 2008 August 2010: The experiments. Phoenix has used this time to figure out how we function as a unit. We elected officers, started traditions, and made plans for life in W1. September 2010: Just last month, we received fantastic news, one of MITs alums from the class of 1990 was generous enough to donate a total of nearly $24 million to the completion of our beloved W1. This was the birth of Fariborz Maseeh Hall. Construction is finally underway again so the Phoenix Group, along with over 400 other MIT students, will RISE FROM THE ASHES and be the first to enhabit the newest dorm at MIT by the fall of 2011. Check out the official news here and here aaaannnnnd here too. And we will all live happily ever after :) El Fin! for now at least (P.S. We need a proper nickname for this lovely new dorm. What would YOU call Fariborz Maseeh Hall for short? (P.P.S. Here are some pictures) Fariborz Maseeh Hall (W1) New Ashdown House (NW35) The Phoenix Group Post Tagged #Maseeh Hall
Friday, May 22, 2020
Conflict resolution in the workplace - 800 Words
Conflict resolution in the workplace Introduction Conflict is a fact in any relationship including the work area. Still, it is important to emphasize that some conflicts should not be seen as good or bad, they are just differences. Many times when there are disagreements between players these issues are left on the table without giving much emphasis. Unfortunately some of these conflicts have reached a level that ends in a physical altercation. When things get out of proportion, the sports psychologist is called in to intervene as a third party to mediate the situation. This process can take weeks. This paper attempts to raise awareness to owners of The Sluggers baseball team, their coordinators, managers and coaches, and provide them†¦show more content†¦Now, I stress the fact that these conflicts can happen between teammates, managers to players and vice versa, or between managers and coaches. Unsolved, or unsatisfactorily resolved conflicts perceived by one or all parties in the situation can lead to worse consequences, (Jehn, Rupert, Nauta, 2006). Conflicts do not always come to light immediately because parties will intent to use mechanisms to deal or solve them. These mechanisms are not always the most appropriate. A manager o coach that becomes aware of something going wrong with their team should pay attention and try to solve it before it escalates to another level, (Fisher Santana-Gonzalez, (2013). Addressing a conflict as soon as possible does not mean to be made lightly or quickly. Individuals serving as mediators must be impartial, show true interest between the parties, and above all be prepared in the area of conflict resolution. A mediator should never favor any party, (Montgomery, 1995). Studies related to the perception of asymmetry (inequity or favoritism) in the process of settlement of conflict demonstrate that this can lead to absenteeism, lack of motivation and job dissatisfaction after the resolution, (Jehn et al., 2006).Show MoreRelatedConflict Resolution Of The Workplace1585 Words  | 7 Pages Conflict Resolution Although many of us go great lengths to avoid it, sometimes it is just inevitable. People in the workplace setting will always have different ideas, values, and attitudes than others around them. A conflict can arouse in any given setting, and the affect it can have on those involved can either be negative or positive. Depending on the approach and strategies utilized during and after a conflict will determine the result of the conflict. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Planning A Qualitative Study Essay - 943 Words
Planning a Qualitative Study What is the purpose of the Project? 1. What is the current status of knowledge pertaining to the question? The current status of knowledge pertaining to my research question what are the effects of child maltreatment is currently being widened as I gather additional information on the research question. This author is focusing on the overall goal of the research, by conducting a literature review. 2. Why is the study important? The importance of this study is to bring awareness to parents, guardians, family members, and the general public of the devastating effects of child maltreatments, with the hope that the perpetrators will be brought to justice and hope these actions will deter other offenders from abusing children. 3. What is the specific focus and design of the project? Will the focus be on individuals, groups, cultures, experiences, processes, or content? The focus on this study will be on individuals, experiences and content. 4. Will the design be a case study, ethnography, phenomenological study, grounded? Theory study, content analysis, a combination of two or more of these, or none of these? The design will be Case study, which will include observations, interviews, and appropriate written documents. This design will enlighten and educate individuals about the severity of child maltreatment. However Child maltreatment can be a combination of two including phenomenological study which will enlighten and educate individuals who neverShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Organizational And Contextual Constraints On The Strategic Change Management And Planning Process1520 Words  | 7 PagesIn this regard, the study is going to assess the research area through conducting a research based interview data collection method. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sox) 2002 CEOs CFOs Free Essays
The Sox Act in 2002 enhanced the responsibilities of the CEOs and CFOs by requiring them to certify the accuracy of the financial statements and making sure that there is no intention of fraudulence. Furthermore, they could significant penalties such as that they could face up to 10 years for â€Å"knowing†violations and up to 20 years if â€Å"willing†as well as criminal charges for certifying false information. In addition, they will be prohibited from holding corporate positions as directors or office in the future by the SEC (Fordham International Law Journal, 2003). We will write a custom essay sample on Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sox) 2002: CEOs CFOs or any similar topic only for you Order Now The main purpose behind this is to make sure that any wrongdoing to the public investors will not go unpunished. Thus, the executives are placed in a position where they must personally responsible for the financial statement. Furthermore, the certification by CEOs and CFOs require more time and diligence from all members of the company including auditors and senior accounts to put more efforts into reviewing the financial statements. If in any case where â€Å"misconduct†activity is suspected, then CEOs and CFOs can be forced to lose any bonuses or profits from selling company stock in one year period (NACUBO, 2003). Before the SOX Act, most CEOs and CFOs usually do not take personal responsibility for the financial statement so they simply just signed it instead of spending time to review it carefully (Maroney McDevitt , 2008). With this act, they are required to establish, maintain, and continuously monitoring as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the company’s financial disclosure and procedures. By certify the quarterly or annual report, CEOs and CFOs agreed to the accuracy and fair presentation of the report and basically certify that they have reviewed the report to the best of their knowledge, does not contain any untrue statement or omit any important and necessary information such as financial data and statements (Fordham International Law Journal, 2003). The overall goal of SOX Act is to restore the confidence in investors when reviewing its financial reports because there is really no point of looking at it if it is inaccurate. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Internal Control This section addresses the problems and weaknesses in internal controls and how public company methods to collect, process, and disclose financial information to satisfy its statutory reporting requirements. Recent corporate and accounting frauds have demonstrated the inadequacy of internal controls with regard to revenue recognition. The act also contains requirements aimed at ensuring proper revenue recognition (SEC, 2013). Under this section, there must be a statement of management’s responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal control for any financial report of the company. Furthermore, they must list out the frameworks on how they used to determine the effectiveness of the internal control. In addition, they must write an formal evaluation on the effectiveness as company’s recent fiscal year. Finally, an auditor has issued an attestation report on management’s assessment (SEC, 2013). Although initially the compliance costs and efforts of this act were burdensome but after many years companies feel that compliance of the act outweight the costs as well as a great improvement in internal control over 10 years (GARP, 2013). How to cite Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sox) 2002: CEOs CFOs, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Personal Response Essay The Loons Essay Example
Personal Response Essay The Loons Essay She was rejected because she represented an ethnic group, which society then classified as a half-breed, neither Cree nor French. Though I cannot say that have personally experienced, to the same extent as Pique, the same type of alienation, I would have to say that I can relate to her with regards to being a half-breed. Coming from a family of multicultural backgrounds Ive never really noticed, that unlike most full blooded Filipinos, I actually stood out because I looked different when compared to them. On my dads side of the family, my great grandpa was Spanish, which explains my last name Lyrical, which Isnt your typical Filipino last name. On my moms side of the family, My great grandma was full Chinese and my retreat grandpa was half Portuguese, which I think explains some of our distinct features such as our lighter skin and browner eyes. So with that in mind, when everything came together, you get me! Many have told me that I don look full Filipino, some even say I don look It at all, but the one question that really sucks out In my head Is when people would Just randomly ask me, So what are you? I know they dont mean to be rude, it sometimes comes off to me as a little puzzling because if I tell them Filipino then they dont always believe me and then more questions come and this is usually when I egging to feel as if I need to explain myself! Although this doesnt bug me much, there are stereotypes and names that people would sometimes use, which may not seem rude or prejudice to them, but In reality can be really hurtful for us. The Tonsures were French half-breeds, and among themselves they spoke a patois that was neither Cree nor French. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Response Essay The Loons specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Response Essay The Loons specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Response Essay The Loons specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Their English was broken and full of obscenities. (1059) I find this a great example, which highlights how society, at the time, discriminated against differences in dialect. Language is a very Important factor because It Is the basis of understanding. Although I find people have been more accepting AT variations Ana Territories In languages Ana accents, tenure are still lingering stereotypes and underlying comments which can still be offensive to many. A perfect example would be, how people in my generation would label those whom just migrated to Canada , from another country, such as the Philippines, a FOB, which stands for, Fresh Off the Boat, because their English is not meeting societies standards. Vive been fortunate enough to live in Canada all my life and have not acquired the stereotypical fob accent, but it still affects me when I hear others using he term fob because though it is not directed to me, I still feel part of the group that they are referring to. One unconscious fear that people have, is being part of those alienated by society. Times have drastically changed and people have become more and more accepting of different races, cultures, languages, appearances, even sexual preference. As positive as this establishment has been, we cant deny that there will always be those individuals who will refuse and continually disapprove of these changes. I feel that Laurence did a great Job of expressing to the readers her sad findings about our society. In a way, The Loon, is a short story about life, how most of us are alone, rejected, alienated, and misunderstood. Ill tell you something else All the old bitched an biddies in this town will sure be surprised. Im getting married to this fall?my boyfriend, hes an English feels, works in the stockyards in the city there, a very tall guy, got blond wax. Y hair. Gee, is he ever handsome. Got this real classy name. Alvin Gerald Cummings?some handle, eh? (413) Like Pique, I think many of us can relate to the struggle that she had undergone, o try and keep her distinct personality and identity. We see her longing to belong and be accepted, into a society, whom even until the day she dies, cant help but continue to pass Judgment on her. I really enjoyed this short story because it really opened my eyes to many different aspects of life. Whether were a visible minority, or not, I think its all what we make of it. Ultimately, at the end of the day, I feel we are responsible for our actions and how we take things into account. Learn to love ourselves and accept who we are, and everything else should fall into place!
Friday, March 20, 2020
The Rape and Murder of Sarah Goode
The Rape and Murder of Sarah Goode In the summer of 2014, petite, 21-year-old Long Island mother and medical technician Sarah P. Goode disappeared. Her partially decomposed body was found in a wooded area about a week later. The resulting autopsy and criminal investigation revealed Goode had been brutally raped and stabbed to death by a man whose sexual advances she had earlier rejected at a party. Search for the Missing Mom On June 8, 2014, Goodes family called Suffolk County police Sunday to report her missing. She had not been seen for two days. The family began passing out fliers and neighbors pitched in to search. The next day, Goodes gray 1999 BMW was found parked in a wooded area in Medford, not far from the home Goode shared with her mother and 4-year-old daughter. Although the car had not been broken into, police said it was found under suspicious circumstances. Suffolk County Detective Michael Fitzharris would not comment on those circumstances, nor did he reveal whether or not Goodes personal belongings had been found in the car. This is a 21-year-old gainfully employed Long Island girl. Everyone has to have their vehicle out here, Fitzharris told reporters. For her family to not see her for a few days †¦ we take that very seriously. It was later learned that police had discovered clumps of hair and blood inside the vehicle. Using K-9 units, police swept the wooded area where Goodes car had been found. On June 12, 2014, almost a week after shed vanished, a group of searchers found her body in the woods within a mile of the site where her abandoned car had turned up the day after shed been reported missing. Killer Charged On July 12, 2014, Dante Taylor, a 19-year-old former Marine from Mastic, Long Island, whose advances Goode rejected at a party theyd both attended was arrested in connection with her murder. A bloody handprint in Goodes car and text messages between him and Goode on the night she went missing linked Taylor to the murder. Taylor was arrested but later released after it was learned that police had taken fingerprints, DNA, and cellphone evidence without probable cause and had questioned him without reading him his rights. He was arrested again a month later on unrelated charges in Vero Beach, Florida, and extradited for trial. Taylor was arraigned on murder charges in a Central Islip courtroom. As prosecutor Janet Albertson described the events surrounding Goodes death, about 50 of her family members were present in court, some responding to the horrific details in vocal anguish, others in verbal taunts. Goodes brother-in-law was removed from the courtroom. Albertson described the gory scene police found inside of Goodes blood-soaked car. She went on to present evidence that Taylor had brutally raped Goode and had subsequently beaten her so badly with a sharp metal object that a piece of metal had been found embedded in her skull. Goode had been stabbed more than 40 times. After she was dead, Taylor dumped Goodes body, nude from the waist down, in the woods. Police and Prosecutorial Misconduct Tarnish Conviction During the trial, the prosecution was sanctioned by state Supreme Court Justice John Collins for withholding evidence from the defense that included a series of Crime Stoppers tips pointing to other potential suspects. It was also learned that police destroyed a threatening message from a boyfriend with whom Goode had recently split up. Nevertheless, Taylor was found guilty of first- and second-degree murder, and attempted rape in the first degree in the death of Sarah Goode and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Convicted Killer Dies in Prison On October 2017, the 22-year-old convicted killer was found dead at the Wende Correctional Facility near Buffalo, New York, where he was serving his life sentence. Goodes family responded to the news with a Facebook post, which read: â€Å"The monster who so violently ended Sarah’s young life will no longer breathe another breath, will no longer see another day, will no longer have the privilege of living a life- something he made certain she could not do. Sarah’s beauty is eternal. Her laugh is unforgettable. Her memories are carved in the hearts of all whom she met.†However, Taylors trial attorney, John Lewis Jr., insisted that his clients conviction was a travesty and a perversion of justice, stating: â€Å"It’s a tragedy. His death is just another injustice in a string of injustices. I just hope someone is held accountable for his death. Now Suffolk County will not be held accountable for the injustices it committed in getting his conviction.†Sources Landau, Joel. Long Island Police Searching for Missing 21-Year-Old Mother of 4-Year-Old Girl. New York Daily News, June 9, 2014 Tracy, Thomas. Body Found in Long Island Woods Is the Missing Mom of 4-Year-Old Daughter. New York Daily News, June 13, 2014Nolan, Caitlin and Brown, Stephen Rex. Family of Murdered Long Island Mom Weep, Shout as Accused Killer Appears in Court. New York Daily News, July 14, 2014Fuller, Nicole and Smith, Andrew. Dante Taylor, Convicted Killer, Dies in Prison, Officials Say. Newsday, October 9, 2017
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Using the French Prepositions En and Dans
Using the French Prepositions 'En' and 'Dans' In French, the prepositions en and dans both mean in, and they both express time and location. They are not, however, interchangeable. Their usage depends on both meaning and grammar. How French Prepositions Work In French, prepositions are generally words that link two related parts of a sentence. They are usually placed in front of nouns or pronouns to indicate a relationship between that noun or pronoun and a verb, adjective or noun that precedes it. Im talking to Jean.Je parle  Jean.She is from Paris.Elle est de Paris.The book is for you. Le livre est pour toi. These small but powerful words not only show relationships between words, they also refine the meanings of place (cities, countries, islands, regions, and U.S. states) and time (as with pendant and durant); can follow adjectives and link them to the remainder of a sentence; can never end a sentence (as they can in English); can be difficult to translate into English and idiomatic; and can exist as a prepositional phrase, such as au-dessus de (above), au-dessous de (below), and au milieu de (in the middle of). Some prepositions are also used after certain verbs to complete their meaning, such as croire en (to believe in), parler  (to talk to) and parler de (to talk about). Plus, prepositional phrases can be replaced by the adverbial pronouns y and en. The following guidelines and examples delineate how and when to use two of the trickier French prepositions: en and dans. Notice how they link two related parts of each sentence. Examples of When to Use En in French En expresses the length of time an action happens. As a result, the verb is usually in the present or past tense, as in Je peux faire le lit en cinq minutes.I can make the bed in five minutes.Il a lu le livre en une heure. He read the book in an hour.Jai appris danser en un an. I learned how to dance in a year. En expresses when an action happens as it relates to the calendar: month, season, or year. Exception: au printemps. Nous voyageons en Avril. We travel in April.Il arrivera en hiver. He will arrive in the winter. En can mean in or to when followed directly by a noun that doesnt need an article: Vous allez en prison! Youre going to prison! Il est en classe. Hes in school. En can also mean in or to when used with some states, provinces, and countries, such as Jhabite en Californie.I live in California.Je vais en France. Im going to France. Examples of When to Use Dans Dans indicates the amount of time before action will occur. Note that the verb is usually in the present or future, as in Nous partons dans dix minutes.Were leaving in 10 minutes. Il reviendra dans une heure.Hell be back in an hour. Elle va commencer dans une semaine. Shes going to start in a week. Dans refers to something that occurs within or during a decade, as in Dans les annà ©es soixantes...In the sixties...Dans les annà ©es quatre-vingts...During the eighties... Dans means in a location when followed by an article plus noun, such as Il est dans la maison.Hes in the house. Quest-ce qui est dans la boà ®te? Whats in the box? Dans also means in or to with some states and provinces: Jhabite dans le Maine.I live in Maine.Je vais dans lOntario. ï » ¿Im going to Ontario.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Chrsit the Redeemer Statue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chrsit the Redeemer Statue - Research Paper Example The statute’s geographical location is the Brazilian region of â€Å"Rio de Janeiro†(Darpan, p. 379). The artwork is heavily built with a height of almost 40 meters and a weight of about 700 tons. Such features are exemplified by the location of the statute that rests on a mountaintop. It is built at one of mount Corcovado’s picks and lies at an altitude of about 700 meters above the sea level. The statute also directly faces Janeiro city, on its outskirts (Darpan, p. 379). Even though the history of the statute’s development went for more than a century, its actual construction works took about ten years. Communal participation through contributions led to the development that is majorly concrete but has soapstone finishing on the surface. A lot of renovation work has also been done on the statute whose value is estimated to have reached about 250000 dollars (Jetsetlife, p. 1). â€Å"Carlos Oswald†designed the art that was then sculptured by â₠¬Å"Paul Landowski†(Copa, p. 1). Development of the artwork and its history is majorly religious. This is deducible from the sculpture’s image and the history of events that led to its development. Its representation of the image of Jesus Christ, the pillar of Christian faith, indicates a religious theme of the art and the fact that it was built to communicate reverence to Jesus Christ, in the region. Having been built from people’s collective work also means that the locals are Christian faithful. The history of the statute however dates back to the sixteenth century with the arrival of the Portuguese in the region and a subsequent renaming of the mountain to a biblical perspective. The mountain was however later renamed before a Vatican representative’s proposal for a religious monument in the year 1859. It is this historic idea of a religious art that was developed in the year 1921 to the sculpture of Jesus Christ whose construction was supervised by Costa from 1921 (Copa, p. 1). Apart from the religious
Monday, February 3, 2020
Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3
Taxation - Essay Example The Australian taxation of capital gains has been aligned with the international norms.1 A half of the capital gains that individuals realize on assets they have held for twelve months and more, the effective tax rate is half the rate charged on other forms of incomes. The different events or transactions that give rise to either a capital loss or capital gains are called capital gains tax events. A full gamut of these events exist, and some of them frequently occur and affect many individuals while others are not common and affect few individuals.2 The knowledge of the various types of capital gains tax events is imperative since it influences how an individual works out his or her capital gains or capital losses. In addition, it affects the timing of such capital losses or capital gains. In case there is the occurrence of more than one capital gains tax events, the one used is one that that is most specific to the situation.3 Therefore, among the capital gains tax events are: the destruction or loss, which may be involuntary or voluntary, of an asset; cancellation, redemption or surrender of shares; the disposal of depreciating assets that are wholly or partly used for private purposes; where an individual ceases to be a resident of Australia; w hen an entity enters into a conservation covenant; making of payments by a company to a shareholder; where financial instruments are declared to be worthless by a liquidator; where an individual makes a contract to stop working in a given sector for some agreed upon the period; where a trustee makes a non-assessable payment; compensation payment; and making payments to a business by a local council after destruction of its assets. However, it should be noted that subdivision of land does not give rise to a capital gains tax event but a sale of any of the subdivision gives rise to a capital gains tax event4. The benefits made give rise to a capital gains tax event. When capital gains are made from compensation made
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Characteristics of System Modules
Characteristics of System Modules Identify and report the names , purpose and characteristics of system modules such as mother board, power supply, CPU, Memory modules, storage devices, display devices, adaptor cards, ports and cases in the given machine.(10 marks) Name: Mother Board (P4-GA-EP45T-UD3LR {775/DDR3} w/Sound+LAN) Purpose: The purpose of mother board is to guide the computer do computations. It has buses, or electrical pathways to allow data to travel between the various components that include in a computer and it have two-chip layout that can perform with lower power consumption. Characteristics: It is the basic system of the electronic circuit of computer and all the components for the computer system are glued on it with its various slots and connectors. Moreover, CPU, panel connector slots, memory cards, the adapter cards, DDR slots, AGP, AMR and PCI slots, north and south bridges are glued on it. The back panel ports stick through the back of the case. fig 1.1 Motherboard Name : Power Supply ( ATX power supply with 550W ) Purpose: The purpose of power supply is to deliver electrical power for every connector in the system board and its expansion converter of AC current voltage to DC current voltage. Characteristics: power supply is the converter of AC current voltage to DC current voltage and it has 24 pin or 20 pin and 4 pin. Power supply of 24 pin and 20 pin is to provide motherboard and 4 pin auxiliary is for CPU fan. Name: CPU (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz {3 MB / 1066 / 775 LGA Socket}) Purpose: The CPU, the brain of the computer, is to receive data from user and it reads, interprets informations and executes commands. Characteristics: In a PC, the CPU uses its ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit) to carry out mathematical operation and it can change location data in memory to another address fig1.2_CPU Name : Memory Modules( DDR2 RAM 2GB 240pin 800 MHz Kingston ) Purpose: It enables computers to work faster because all the information processed by the CPU is written or read from memory, Characteristics: Memory module is a board used to refer to a series of dynamic random access memory integrated circuits modules mounted on a printed circuit board and designed use in personal computers, workstations and servers. Name : Storage Devices (such as Floppy, Hard disk, Tape, CD, DVD drives) Purpose: It can save data permanently from temporary data storage by optical and magnetic methods. Characteristics: Major magnetic devices (floppy disks, hard disks, and tape) are rigid disks that are permanently sealed in a non-removable, vacuum- tight portion of the drive unit. With the optical media (CDs, DVDs), data is stored digitally on a light-sensitive material by a powerful, highly focused a laser beam. Name : Monitor (19 LCD Color Monitor(View Sonic wide view 1932 wm with DVI+LED) Purpose: Monitor is the device to display the videos and graphics information generated by the computer through the video card Characteristic: Monitors are similar to televisions but display information at much higher quality. There are two kinds of monitor. They are CRT (Cathode ray tube) and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).LCD monitors are much thinner, and less power consumptions than CRT monitors Name : Adaptor Cards Purpose: is to enable our computer to communicate with another peripherals such as monitor Characteristics: Motherboard Graphic Adaptors are low cost flat panel display interface card to use on board. Name : Ports Purpose: It is used to connect with electrical devices that need for personal computer system. Characteristics: It is the place where the devices needed to insert in motherboard for a computer. And there are many ports on following. Ports Name Pins Inserted Particles PS 2 6 pins Key Board, Mouse Serial 9 pins modem, mouse, joystick Parallel 25 pins printer VGA 15 pins monitor USB 4 pins mp3, memory sticks, etc. RJ 45 8 pins use to connect with network Name : Cases Purpose: It is the box or tower which can enclose the main components of a computer such as motherboard, power supply, drives and many peripherals. Fig 1.3- System unit and Casing Characteristics: Cases are usually constructed from steel, aluminium or plastic is sometimes used. And it is the largest component in computer system. Tower cases come in mini, mid and big towers and intended to stand on the floor. There are the capacities for CD-ROMs, floppy disk, hard disk drives. I/O ports can insert in back panel shield. Moreover, Cases are more than 14 inches tall. Task 1 b) Identify the names, purposes and performance characteristics of the standardized peripheral ports in the machine such as Serial, USB, Firewire, DB, RJ, Din, Mini-DIN, Centronics, Associated cabling and their connectors.(10 marks) Fig1.b Name: Serial Port(9 pin) Purpose: It is to provide a standard connector and protocol to let our attach devices, such as modems, to our computers Performance characteristics: It is the basic external connections to a computer and Integral part of most computers. The serial port completely in support of USB connections, most modems still use the serial port, and in some printers, PDA and digital cameras. Name: Parallel Port Purpose: It is to connect the PC with printer, external CD drives, Zip drive, external hard disk drive, or tape backup device. Performance characteristics: The parallel port can sends data simultaneously over 8 data lines at speeds of12,000 Kbps. Name: USB (Universal Serial Bus) Port Purpose: It can allow data to transfer between electrical devices and supply electrical power to that devices from cable without own power source. Performance characteristics: USB port is depended on by some devices to get power or charge their battery. Moreover, USB for connecting on personal computers and equipments such as network adapters, broadband and cellular modems for Internet access and USB printers to be shared on a home network. Name: Firewire Purpose: FireWire is to connect data storage devices to anything from TVs or even professional Video recording apparatus because of its high data transfer rate, its perfect for transporting video and digital playback device to a digital recording device. Performance: FireWire can provide more power than USB 2.0 and can deliver data faster. And most satellite TV and digital receivers for cable have a Firewire output and this port can recorded programming to a PC in its original MPEG2 format. Fig: 1b.1for FireWire on popular digital cable terminal used today. Name: DB Purpose: Data Bus is connections between and within the CPU, Memory, and many peripherals that used to carry data. Performance: There are 2 types of data bus, they are data bus and address bus. The data bus is the media that transfer data and address bus transfer information about where the data should go and let to be transferred data faster. Name: RJ (Registered Jack) Purpose: It is the port for twisted pair cable called LAN (local area networks), especially Ethernet or RJ-45 that can link with MODEM or Ethernet Switch. And Modem RJ-11 connectors are also to connect some types of LANs with modems. Fig 1b.2 RJ-45, RJ-11 and Ethernet switch Performance Characteristics: RJ-45 looks similar to RJ-11 that used for telephone equipment, but RJ-45 are a bit wider than RJ-11. Moreover, RJ-11 is connector that has a four or six wire connectors that used to connect telephone equipment. Name: Din Purpose: It is used in AT style of computer. DIN connectors held in place by the friction of the connector body and by pins. And it is used in PC keyboards, MIDI instruments, and etc. Performance characteristics: DIN connectors are round, with pins arranged in a circular pattern. Name: Mini-Din Fig. 1b.3 Purpose: It is the another type of DIN connector Performance: MINI-Din connectors are 9.5 mm in diameters and come in seven patterns that in the form of number of pins from 3 to 9. Name: Centronics (printer port) Purpose: Centronics port shows the bi-directional version of the port, which allows the transmission and reception of data bits at the same time. Performance Characteristics: It has 36 pin connector to connect the PC with printer. That can flow data with maximum 4 megabytes per second for faster printing and back channel status and management. And new standard of Centronics port can connect scanners, tape drives, Hard disks, computer networks adapters and other devices. Task 2 List the 3 most popular types of mother boards, their components and their architecture (6 marks) Types of motherboards XT (Extended Technology) AT (Advanced Technology) ATX (Advanced Technology Extension) The components include in motherboard are The CPU, the busses, Chipsets (controllers), sockets, connectors, etc Architecture of motherboard The motherboard is a board covered with electronics and it is just a big plastic sheet which is full of electrical conductors. And the conductors (tracks) run across and down, and in several layers in order to connect all the individual components, and transfer data between them. The cabinet and the motherboard are made to satisfy each other, so there are holes in the metal for the connectors mounted on the board. Finally, the motherboard has to be linked to the PCs power supply installed in the cabinet. b) Identify the purpose of CMOS memory in your PC and list out what it contains. Describe how and when it is necessary to change the CMOS parameters (6 marks) The purpose of CMOS in PC CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) is situated in BIOS chip It requires very little power and it can be powered by a small battery thats integrated into the motherboard hold data It will be automatically recharges while the computer is on. CMOS MEMORY contains Standard CMOS Setup Program BIOS Features Setup Program Power Management Program PNP/ PCI Configuration Program Load BIOS Defaults Program Load Setup Defaults Program Looking about Integrated Peripherals Supervisor Password User Password IDE Hard Disk Drive Auto Detection Hard Disk Drive Low Level Format Save and Exit Setup Program Exit Without Saving Program CMOS Parameters can be changed in CMOS Setup Program and this program can be entered by pressing the DEL or F2 key continuously during the Window Program is started to run. In Most Motherboards that have jumper which allows the user to return to the default CMOS setting configured by the manufacturer in CMOS restore to factory defaults. This is useful because when you cannot enter the CMOS Setup Program because of the incorrect CMOS setting or Lost CMOS Setup password. So, that make sure the power is completely off when you shorten the jumper. c) You are required to use two different types of Printers and list the following information derived from each printer: i) What are the printer technologies, interfaces and options for upgrades available for your printers (4 marks) ii) What are the 2 common printer problems which you can expect from our printers, list our remedies for the problems using appropriate references? (4 marks) Two different types of Printers are Serial Printer Page Printer In Serial Printers, Two Groups can be categorized as follow: Impact Printers (Using Ribbon) -Dot Matrix Printers b) Non- Impact Printers (Using Toner Cartridge) -Thermal Printers -Ink Jet Printers In Page Printers, Non Impact Printers Laser Printers (Mono chrome, Color laser) Interfaces Of Printer: It is a collection of hardware and software that allows the printer to communicate with a computer. It can make some printer more flexible in multiplatform environment. If the printer has several interfaces, it can usually exchange between them on the fly so that several computers can print at the same time. Reference from: A+ Fast Pass written by David Groth Options for Upgrade: Resolution Of Printer can be measured as DPI (dots per inches) Printer Buffer Two Common Printer Problems Paper Jam Cause of Toner drum on laser printers Remedies for Printer Problems If the is jammed, the first work is to pull out any remnants. Even the smallest piece of paper could cause the problem so check your printer carefully. If the problem is related with toner cartridge, check to see your printer toner cartridge that is empty or low. So, the solution is to refill the toner to your laser printer and this problem is depending on time and you must check once a year for your printer. Moreover, the major problem is the ink will dry out in the small nozzles and block if they are not use at least once a week. Task 3 For this task and subsequent task you need to set up a small Windows XP network using at least 3 computers. Produce a report with appropriate screen capture evidencing your practical work and covering the following information: Identify the types of network cables, their characteristics and the connectors which you will use for the network.(5 marks) Types of Network Cables Characteristics Connectors that use for the network Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable It consists of several pairs of wires twisted in the insulated jacket and found in 10/100 Base T Ethernet networks. Topology: Star RJ 45 Coaxial Cable (RG) Suitable for most LANs communications that consists of copper wire sealed by insulation and metal foil shield Topology: Bus RJ 58 (use for 10base2 (Thinnet) Ethernet),RJ 8(use for 10base5 (Thicknet) Ethernet), Fiber Optic Cable A thin, flexible glass fiber covered by rubber coating and provides transmission speed from 100 Mbps up to 1 Gbps and a maximum distance of several Miles. Topology: Star ST/SC ST a barrel-shaped connector SC- square type connector Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) Cable 10 Mbps to 2 Gbps for Ethernet, 16 Mbps for Token Ring Topology: Star or Ring RJ 45 for Ethernet, IDC/UDC for Token Ring (IDC-IBM data connector, UDC-Universal Data Connector) Research and list five different technologies available for Internet connectivity for your network and list their strengths and weaknesses. (10 marks) 5 different technologies for Internet Connectivity DIAL-UP Dial up internet uses a modem and dial-up networking (DUN) in Window to establish a connection between a PC and an Internet Service Provider (ISP). It uses standard telephone lines and ties up the phone while it is operating. Dial-up speed is limited to between 52 Kbps and 56 Kbps. ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network) it is a special type of phone line that is able to carry data faster than a regular dial-up. It also has a separate voice channel, so you can place voice calls while connected to the Internet. It requires special phone lines from the phone company. ISDN is a dial up connection and uses dial up networking. However, it establishes the connection much more quickly than a standard dial-up, usually within 5 seconds. ADSL (Asymmetric digital subscriber line) It enables Internet using existing copper wired telephone networks. It uses the main concept of DSL technology and it works by splitting the existing telephone line signal into two: one for voice and the other for data. ADSL is asymmetric as it uses most of the channel to transmit downstream to the user and only a small part to receive information from the user. http://homepages.uel.ac.uk/u0113650/DSLBASICS.html FIBER CONNECTION It can transfer data via light waves. And data transmission is incredibly fast. They are made from glass or plastic fibers in the core of the cable surrounded by a cladding layer (designed to reflect light back towards the core) and a buffer coating, BROADBAND internet access Broadband has a high rate data transmission and minimum speed that users can get is 256 Kbps. Broadband uses lower-bitrate transmission methods. Broadband technologies supply double rate than Dial-up modems and generally without disrupting telephone use. Strengths and Weaknesses for Internet Connectivity Kinds that use for Internet Connectivity Strength for using this technology Weakness for using this technology Dial-up . Cheapest type of Internet connection . Low price . Lower speed than any other . Discomfort of typing up phone line ISDN . Call setup is very quick . Low retrieval time . Can carry data and voice at the same time and voice clearness is incomparable . ISDN routers and modems are more expensive than any others . Data connections are not available in all locations ADSL . High speed connection . Use of phone line while connected . Faster download than upload . Line testing takes a long time . Home user is contented at 50:1 by sharing your 512 Kbps with 49 other people, giving you 10 bps. Fiber connection . It can transmit data over long distance without much data loss .. . Can cost more price than broadband connection cost . not susceptible radio frequency Broadband . Maximum transmission speed is 4 Mbps . Transmission capacity is faster than Primary ISDN . Bandwidth is not always reliable for customer . Not sufficient enough to provide good video quality. c) List the 5 networking capabilities of Window XP (5 marks) 5 networking capabilities of Windows XP Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) When your computer is connected to the Internet or other route for the network, there is a threat of not permission attack to approach your computer data. If the computer is connecting the external network, a Firewall can protect your home network versus the danger of unsafety network jammed to pass. Network Setup Wizard Window XP introduces us with a Network Setup Wizard for easy using of Setting up your network and it use to configure the Internet connection on your network, and supply the Internet Connection Firewall. Moreover, it can be run on the Window 98, Window ME and Window XP computers on your network using the CD or a floppy disk. Network Diagnostics Features Network Diagnostics features help diagnosing network problems increase people who is setting up small networks. The features of The Network Diagnostics Web Page and NetSh helper, Network Connections Support Tab, Network Connection Repair Link, Task Manager Networking Tab and Updated Command Line Network Diagnostics Tool, enable troubleshooting of various problems by the users. Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Window XP creates connections using Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE). By using this Broadband modem, LAN users can have high-speed data networks. And PPPoE provides separate connections for each user to a remote server. In addition, it also enables your internet connections join smoothly with Internet Explorer and other Window Applications. Wireless LAN Enhancements Window XP deploys some features and enhancements about Wireless LAN networks and these enhancements are summarized as follow. Enhanced Ethernet and Wireless Security (IEEE 802.1X Support) Wireless Zero Configuration Fig.3 c.1 showing about internet connections Task 4 Task 4 For this task you need to do a fresh install of Windows XP (or later operating system permitted by your tutor) on a computer. Prepare a report evidencing your practical work covering the following questions: List out the names, locations, purpose and contents of any 10 Windows XP (or later versions permitted) systems files.(10 marks) By this question, I need to install a Window XP (Service pack 2); I insert a Window XP installer disc into my CD drive. When the CD is read, the monitor screen shows the following messages. Fig 4a.1 By this message, I pressed any key such as Space, Enter, Backspace, etc Fig 4a.28 So Finally, The Window XP installation was finished and the wallpaper and Recycle Bin icon is display on the screen. Simple Reference: From Practical Room List out the names, locations, purpose and contents of any 10 Window XP (or later versions permitted ) system files (10 marks) Names of 10 Window XP system files Location: All system files are located in C: Window XP file Purposes of system files NTLDR : It usually run on primary hard disk drive and the purpose is to loading the boot process for Window NT operating system including Window XP, Window Server 2003. NTDETECT.COM : is used on computer that has BIOS firmware. In Windows Vista and later Operating Systems, NTDETECT.COM is now only to supports ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface). IO.SYS is an essential part of MS-DOS and Window 9x because it contains MS device drivers and DOS initializing Program. And it can initialize the device drivers into memo MSDOS.SYS It is a hidden system file created on the root of the boot drive. It can changed the PC environment by replacing the file contents [Paths] WinDir=C:WINDOWS WinBootDir=C:WINDOWS HostWinBootDrv=C [Options] BootGUI=1 Network=1 BootMulti=1 CONFIG.SYS can set up the memory managers in the system. It can load files, mostly TSRs and devices drivers, in turn(console, disk, serial port, etc BOOT.INI: is to protected from user configuration by having the file attributes such as system, hidden, read-only. To manually edit it AUTOEXEC.BAT contains DOS commands that executed automatically when a PC boots . This locates in the root directory of the hard drive of the computer and is used to set defaults to run programs that should be executed during setup. Contents: PROMPT $P$G COMMAND.COM is the default operating system shell file for DOS operating system and the default command line interpreter on DOS-based 16/32-bit Window versions of 9x and Me. NTUSER.DAT : it is to set the default language to instead of English and can edit file to correspond to the new language BOOT.INI it is a text file available on the computer. And it is fetched by NTLDR and displayed as OS options. Contents: [boot loader] timeout=10 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWS=Microsoft Windows XP /fastdetect C: = Microsoft Windows b) Use the following tools in Windows such as Microsoft Management Console (MMC), Event Viewer and Task Manager on the system. List out the practical uses of these tools. (10 marks) Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Fig 4b.1 First, if you want to enter the Microsoft Management Console, youll enter RUN (win key + R key) program and type MMC. And then MMC program is opened. Fig 4b.2 In Fig 4b.2, there is no program in console root and if you want to add or remove snap-in, go to the File Text Menu Bar (Ctrl+m). You can add the programs that you want to do in the same time and you can click Remove button to remove the program that you dont want to do. Fig 4b.3 Fig 4b.4 shows that you can choose the programs that you want to do and Click Add if not you can click Close Button to exit from the program. Fig 4b.4 The above example shows that the user chose the Device Manager Program to add to the Console Root. And he clicks Add. Fig 4b.5 And the message box shows on the screen to choose the kind of computer (local or another) and the user chose local computer. Click Finish to save the program in add or remove snap-in. Fig 4.6 This above Add/Remove Snap-in box shows that the program that you already add and if you want to add second program, you will click Add button for next time. Fig 4b.7 Fig 4b.7 shows that the user seems to add Disk Defragmenter, Disk Management (Local), Event Viewer (Local), Device Manager on local computer. And the picture is clicked Disk Defragmenter program. Fig 4b.8 The picture shows the Console1.msc file is saved in desktop. Fig 4b.9 Also the Console1.msc file is saved on the desktop on the screen. So, you can also see the Console1.msc file on desktop. And so, u can be use Disk Defragmenter, Disk Management (Local), Event Viewer (Local), Device Manager on local computer by clicking the Console1.msc file. Event Viewer Fig 4b.10 If you want to use event viewer software program, press Window key+R and type eventvwr and click OK. Fig 4b.11 In event viewer software program, you can see the application, Security and System software icons. Fig 4b.12 When you click Application list, you can see what happen in your Computer Operation System such as Informations, Warnings, and Errors when the computer is running. Fig 4b.13 And system list shows how many events occur date by date such as Errors and Information. Fig 4b.14 is as same as Fig 4b.13 In above picture is about System Properties and it can be opened by clicking right click on system icon. Fig 4b.15 In the box of System Properties, the user can adjust the Maximum log size, overwrite events date and clear log manually. Fig 4b.16 Fig 4b.16 shows that the user can change the Event types if the only he wanted by clicking right click and go to view and then click filter. And click OK to show them or click Cancel to get back to the Menu. Task Manager If you want to enter the Task Manager Program, press Window Key and Run key to enter Run Program and type as taskmgr. Fig 4b.17 The above message box is showing that which applications are running on the OS and has Applications, Processes, Performance, Networking and Users icons. Fig 4b.16 The above picture shows that if you want to close Windows Messenger, select it and click right click and choose End Task. Fig 4b.17 And this above picture is about if you want to open the program (eg. Window Media Player), click New Task to create New Task. Fig 4b.18 Moreover, the user can look which program takes how much memory usage in Process Option. And if you want to close Window Media Player click end process to close. Fig 4b.20 And in Performance option, the user can see the CPU and PF usages and histories. Moreover, In Networking option, the use would see the Connection between Local Area Network. Fig 4b.21 In user list, the user can see that how many user accounts in there. And he can disconnect or log off the Administrator (user) account. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. c) Install two new devices after you have installed the Operation system and list out the procedures which you used for adding and configuring the devices drivers. (10 marks) I installed the Printer after you have installed the Operation system. Installation of Printer First, connect the data cable with Printer port. Fig 4c.1 And, go to the control panel and click the Printer and Faxes. Then, click Add a printer dialog-box. So, the screen shows the display box Welcome to the Add Printer. And then click Next to continue. 19th August, Thursday at 9:48 AM. Fig 4c. 2 And the message box shows that you need to choose local or network printer. If you want to share a printer, chose network printer. But you must have a printers driver in computer. So choose local printer for the users computer only. 19th August, Thursday at 9:49 AM. Fig 4c.3 Select printers port such as LPT (Recommended Printer Port/Parallel Port), COM (Serial port), USB port, so chose USB port. Fig 4c.4 I think you need to choose the manufacture and models of your printer. If you dont have printers model, click Have Disk button and choose and assign as HP and add as HP Deskjet 2200 series. Fig 4c.5 Choose either share the printer or dont share the printer. So choose dont share the printer. Fig 4c.6 So, finished the installation of printer. 19th August, Thursday at 9:55 AM. Fig 4c.7 At the end of the installation of Printer, your installed Printer is in use. Moreover, if you want to share this printer, click right-click to the sharing of printer. Fig 4c.8 And in the Sharing Tab, you need to choose Share this printer. 19th August, Thursday at 9:59 AM. Fig 4c.9 At the end, the installation is finished and the printer is ready to use now. 19th August, Thursday at 10:00 AM. Installation of Scanner Fig 4c.9 First, I mounted the scanner to USB port then the message box shows Found New Hardware and I clicked the right click to My computer icon and then choose Properties to see the property of scanner. 17th August, Tuesday at 12:37 AM. Fig 4c.10 In Hardware tab, I click the Device Manager to see for the scanner installation. 17th August, Tuesday at 12:38 AM. Fig 4c.11 In Device Manager Option, the new scanner program is showing Question Mark as unknown device or other device. 17th August, Tuesday at 12:38 AM. Fig 4c.12 For the first step, I go to the My computer program and then click the Canoscanner icon to open. In second step, I chose the Setup to Install the scanner. 17th August, Tuesday at 12:41 AM. Fig 4c.13 And the CanoScan Message Box is shown to install the scanner and then some software installation notes is shown as to know. 17th August, Tuesday at 12:42 AM. Fig 4c.14 And the message box shows that the check marks will be installed and remove the check mark if some program is not unwanted by clicking next time to unwanted program. And click Install to install the marked program and click Back to go back to the main menu. 1
Friday, January 17, 2020
Elizabethan Women Essay
The social standards for most women of high nobility were to wear large corseted dresses and apply pallid makeup (History of Elizabethan Women). These women were not allowed a say in anything. They had to follow what the male said; however, if they did not, they would have received a harsh punishment (Elizabethan Women). Therefore the majority of these women would learn to obey quickly. In the Elizabethan Era the upper class women are not permitted to work because they were considered not as strong, or as deft as men(Elizabethan Women). For example, in the movie Shakespeare In Love, women were not permitted to be actresses because it was illegal and extremely inappropriate for a woman to be seen on stage. Viola de Lesseps loved poetry; therefore, she auditioned for Shakespeare’s play dressed as a boy. She went against the advice of her maid and later got caught by the stage master. In the film, she defied the queen’s law but the queen overruled her mistake because of the bet the queen had with Lord Wessex. During the Elizabethan Era there were a plethora of family alliances formed by arranged marriages. In the film, Shakespeare In Love, Viola de Lesseps was coerced into a marriage with Lord Wessex at a very inopportune time. She was in love with Will Shakespeare, but the majority of women in this era were not allowed a say in these affairs (History of Elizabethan Women). These women suppressed their emotions for the man they loved. She was obliged to marry Lord Wessex and follow her father and mother’s orders although she was in love with another man. While women of today prefer have very dark, tan skin, most women from the Elizabethan Era preferred pale white skin. In fact the whiter you were the wealthier you looked because most of the lower class women worked outside which was why they were so tan (Elizabethan Women). Their dark skin tones showed they worked for their money while the upper class women stay indoors most of the day. For example, in Shakespeare In Love, Viola de Lesseps always had a pale face with a big flouncy dress on. She never looked rampant like the street children or their mothers, but always stately and noble. John Madden fairly and accurately demonstrates how women were treated in the Elizabethan Era in his film, Shakespeare In Love. He shows the intricate clothing and colorless make up of these noble women. Also he explains the unfair and loveless arranged marriages that often occurred in the Elizabethan Era.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Adolf Hitler Biography - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1047 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/08/06 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Adolf Hitler Essay Did you like this example? Adolf Hitler was known for his dark hatred, and no respect for other ethnic groups other than his love for Germans. Even though he was born in Austria, he was growing to hate that specifically the German society was being ran by people that were primarily Jewish decent. Hitler was not all always like this cruel person, he had a different ambition that he wanted to purse which was so far away from what he turned out to be. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Adolf Hitler Biography" essay for you Create order World War II was an era where Germany, United States and other nations were at war and Hitler was a big part of why that is. He was born into a middle-class family on April 20 1889 and his parents Alois who was average man that worked a decent job as Austro- Hungarian customs officer for cross border goods. His mother Klara who cared for him and his siblings just as a normal family of society. Until his father retired and gained a temper issue and began to rage take it out on his sons. But that didnt stop young Adolf from pursuing his interest in becoming an artist. His ambition to become an artist started so young and he wanted nothing to do with a desk job. He moved to Vienna with a good friend who was a musician because he saw that it was a land of fascinating opportunity to become an artist and make a life doing what he loved. But his abilities of artistry were questionable because he was denied twice from the Academy of Fine Arts. As a result, he became homeless in Vienna and li ved as a reclusive nomad for five years. Adolf Hitler then witnessed the Germany army mobilization in 1 August 1914 against the Russians, which led to his enlistment into the Bavarian army as an infantryman. He knew that he would have food, shelter and get training to for Germany in World War I. He served for six years and injured once by Mustard Gas and witnessed a lot of friends in his years of service on the western front and realize that it could have been him as well. Hitler was lucky enough to live through that and realize he was a natural pubic speaking that in which he used to help him take an interest in the Germans Workers Party. Later he influenced a change to the Nazi Party and by 1921 almost three thousand members were a part of Hitlers Political Party and attracted more influential allies that would enable the future operations the Nazi Germany Party. Even though the Nazi Party was rapidly growing but Hitler was on trial for the uprising of the Nazi Party revolution along with eight others. He spends five years in Landsberg Prison and was kept in good living quarters was very cooperative due to his affirmed role of responsibility. After his five years of incarceration, Adolf Hitler set out on an overall mission to implement economic revival of Germany. He also had additional special goal which was the systematic repression of the Jews which he started after 1935. During his reign he made plenty of appearance to young and old societies that show he was personable, but majority of the Germans were still cautious while living this rigid controlled society. People would even get in trouble if they made criticizing the Nazi Party or making a joke Hitlers mustache which wasnt even as cruel as the Germany Jews were feeling. Germany Jews were not the only being disrespected by the Nazi Soldiers, Jewish people in Austria were feeling it as well as when Hitler arrived in Vienna on March 14 1938 to influence the unification of two nations. The election of Germany and Austria in 1938 was a key event that would enhance Hitlers Nazi party effectiveness further. Hitler was beginning to hit his dark era of his power and was waiting for his opportunity to increase his life mission to fight against the Jews. A turning point that fueled that urge was when a Jewish student entered a Germany embassy in France and shot a German official. Reason for this event was that the student was not happy with his parents ordered to leave Germany and expressed that being a Jew is not wrong. He responds with an organized anti-Jewish protest which led to ransacking of Jewish business and synagogues. This fueled the fear on Jews in the Germany that he would fulfill the prophecy of genocide on all Jews in Nazi Germany. In Poland he had created new concentration camps that were named for extreme cruelty and inhumane which were known as Treblinka, Maiden, and especially Auschwitz. (Giblin) By the end of 1943 Hitler was losing the war but he had the mission of his the Final Solution to exterminate Jews by shipping them to the death camps.(Giblin, Chapter 21) the Nazi party in Germany and Army were trying to sustain the momentum of the progression of Europe take over, but once Hitler received other allied forces entered the fight against Germany in 1944 it made him adjust course of actions in Poland, France, and Western Germany. This is when United States got involved as well as maintaining efforts against Japan as well who also had a portion of the Second World War. At this point Hitler and key leaders in Germany felt threatened because of allied forces being successful in infiltrating the Germany defensive lines. He and his wife fled to Berlin to a bunker that thought would be protected but Hitler received news that Benito Mussolini was captured and killed by Allied Armies. Italian forces he had were taken down and now he was put into the realization that the war he was fighting was at its end. I will not fall into the hands of the enemy, dead or alive he told his aides After I die, my body shall be burned so remain undiscovered forever (Giblin Chapter 24). After his death, many more Nazi sympathizer took their lives because the Third Reich collapsed and Admiral Donitz gave a surrender of all Germany troops to the Allied forces which was on May 8, 1945. This was known to this day as Victory in Europe and following the United States bombed Japan with atomic bombs that would change Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan in a devasting way forever. (Giblin Chapter 25).
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