Friday, May 22, 2020
Conflict resolution in the workplace - 800 Words
Conflict resolution in the workplace Introduction Conflict is a fact in any relationship including the work area. Still, it is important to emphasize that some conflicts should not be seen as good or bad, they are just differences. Many times when there are disagreements between players these issues are left on the table without giving much emphasis. Unfortunately some of these conflicts have reached a level that ends in a physical altercation. When things get out of proportion, the sports psychologist is called in to intervene as a third party to mediate the situation. This process can take weeks. This paper attempts to raise awareness to owners of The Sluggers baseball team, their coordinators, managers and coaches, and provide them†¦show more content†¦Now, I stress the fact that these conflicts can happen between teammates, managers to players and vice versa, or between managers and coaches. Unsolved, or unsatisfactorily resolved conflicts perceived by one or all parties in the situation can lead to worse consequences, (Jehn, Rupert, Nauta, 2006). Conflicts do not always come to light immediately because parties will intent to use mechanisms to deal or solve them. These mechanisms are not always the most appropriate. A manager o coach that becomes aware of something going wrong with their team should pay attention and try to solve it before it escalates to another level, (Fisher Santana-Gonzalez, (2013). Addressing a conflict as soon as possible does not mean to be made lightly or quickly. Individuals serving as mediators must be impartial, show true interest between the parties, and above all be prepared in the area of conflict resolution. A mediator should never favor any party, (Montgomery, 1995). Studies related to the perception of asymmetry (inequity or favoritism) in the process of settlement of conflict demonstrate that this can lead to absenteeism, lack of motivation and job dissatisfaction after the resolution, (Jehn et al., 2006).Show MoreRelatedConflict Resolution Of The Workplace1585 Words  | 7 Pages Conflict Resolution Although many of us go great lengths to avoid it, sometimes it is just inevitable. People in the workplace setting will always have different ideas, values, and attitudes than others around them. A conflict can arouse in any given setting, and the affect it can have on those involved can either be negative or positive. Depending on the approach and strategies utilized during and after a conflict will determine the result of the conflict. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Planning A Qualitative Study Essay - 943 Words
Planning a Qualitative Study What is the purpose of the Project? 1. What is the current status of knowledge pertaining to the question? The current status of knowledge pertaining to my research question what are the effects of child maltreatment is currently being widened as I gather additional information on the research question. This author is focusing on the overall goal of the research, by conducting a literature review. 2. Why is the study important? The importance of this study is to bring awareness to parents, guardians, family members, and the general public of the devastating effects of child maltreatments, with the hope that the perpetrators will be brought to justice and hope these actions will deter other offenders from abusing children. 3. What is the specific focus and design of the project? Will the focus be on individuals, groups, cultures, experiences, processes, or content? The focus on this study will be on individuals, experiences and content. 4. Will the design be a case study, ethnography, phenomenological study, grounded? Theory study, content analysis, a combination of two or more of these, or none of these? The design will be Case study, which will include observations, interviews, and appropriate written documents. This design will enlighten and educate individuals about the severity of child maltreatment. However Child maltreatment can be a combination of two including phenomenological study which will enlighten and educate individuals who neverShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Organizational And Contextual Constraints On The Strategic Change Management And Planning Process1520 Words  | 7 PagesIn this regard, the study is going to assess the research area through conducting a research based interview data collection method. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sox) 2002 CEOs CFOs Free Essays
The Sox Act in 2002 enhanced the responsibilities of the CEOs and CFOs by requiring them to certify the accuracy of the financial statements and making sure that there is no intention of fraudulence. Furthermore, they could significant penalties such as that they could face up to 10 years for â€Å"knowing†violations and up to 20 years if â€Å"willing†as well as criminal charges for certifying false information. In addition, they will be prohibited from holding corporate positions as directors or office in the future by the SEC (Fordham International Law Journal, 2003). We will write a custom essay sample on Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sox) 2002: CEOs CFOs or any similar topic only for you Order Now The main purpose behind this is to make sure that any wrongdoing to the public investors will not go unpunished. Thus, the executives are placed in a position where they must personally responsible for the financial statement. Furthermore, the certification by CEOs and CFOs require more time and diligence from all members of the company including auditors and senior accounts to put more efforts into reviewing the financial statements. If in any case where â€Å"misconduct†activity is suspected, then CEOs and CFOs can be forced to lose any bonuses or profits from selling company stock in one year period (NACUBO, 2003). Before the SOX Act, most CEOs and CFOs usually do not take personal responsibility for the financial statement so they simply just signed it instead of spending time to review it carefully (Maroney McDevitt , 2008). With this act, they are required to establish, maintain, and continuously monitoring as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the company’s financial disclosure and procedures. By certify the quarterly or annual report, CEOs and CFOs agreed to the accuracy and fair presentation of the report and basically certify that they have reviewed the report to the best of their knowledge, does not contain any untrue statement or omit any important and necessary information such as financial data and statements (Fordham International Law Journal, 2003). The overall goal of SOX Act is to restore the confidence in investors when reviewing its financial reports because there is really no point of looking at it if it is inaccurate. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Internal Control This section addresses the problems and weaknesses in internal controls and how public company methods to collect, process, and disclose financial information to satisfy its statutory reporting requirements. Recent corporate and accounting frauds have demonstrated the inadequacy of internal controls with regard to revenue recognition. The act also contains requirements aimed at ensuring proper revenue recognition (SEC, 2013). Under this section, there must be a statement of management’s responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal control for any financial report of the company. Furthermore, they must list out the frameworks on how they used to determine the effectiveness of the internal control. In addition, they must write an formal evaluation on the effectiveness as company’s recent fiscal year. Finally, an auditor has issued an attestation report on management’s assessment (SEC, 2013). Although initially the compliance costs and efforts of this act were burdensome but after many years companies feel that compliance of the act outweight the costs as well as a great improvement in internal control over 10 years (GARP, 2013). How to cite Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sox) 2002: CEOs CFOs, Papers
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